Most-Visited Blog Posts for 2016

According to Google, these were my most-visited blog posts from 2016. This is a list of GREAT SCIENTIFIC INTEREST, and totally NOT just a way to blog without having to come up with any new or original content today…

  1. Worldcon Expels Truesdale.
  2. If We Wrote Men Like We Wrote Women. Gender-swapping some bits from popular fiction.
  3. Fact-Checking Breitbart. (Yeah, I know.)
  4. Lionel Shriver’s Speech on Cultural Appropriation. So much facepalm…
  5. Yes, I Am Afraid. Posted shortly after the U.S. elections.
  6. Rape, Abuse, and Marion Zimmer Bradley. This one is actually from 2014.
  7. One Month on the Happy Pills (Depression). A 2012 post from when I started anti-depressants. I’m…not sure what kicked this up to the #7 spot for the year.
  8. More Worldcon Thoughts. A follow-up to post #1.
  9. Striking a Pose. Another one from 2012. A century from now, my books might be forgotten, but people will still remember “Isn’t he the guy who did those cover poses?”
  10. No, We’re Not All Disabled. An angry response to a column in SF Signal about disability.
  11. Thoughts on Steven Universe. I’d intended to stop at 10, but had to include this one, because SU is awesome.