LEGO Monster Chess

Free book!  T. J. Bronley is giving away a copy of Goblin Quest over on his blog.  Leave a comment by midnight on June 23 to enter.  Thanks, T.J.!

You’ve also got a few days left to win an autographed book from me.  Details here (or on LJ).


Okay, this is the first LEGO build I’ve posted that truly scares me.  This is Monster Chess.  Built by Team Hassenplug, this chess set features thirty-two robot pieces (plus spares), each working independently.  It cost about $30K to build, and includes more than 100,000 pieces.  The board is a little over 12′ on a side.

I am now convinced that Skynet could win the war using nothing but LEGO-built Terminators.  These pieces move out of each other’s way, they reset the board … how long until they learn to build and repair their own pieces?  How long until these LEGObots become the dominant species, and humanity is reduced to hiding in the shadows?  Mount a sniper rifle on those things, and it’s game over, man.  Game over!

Check out the Hassenplug page for more of their projects.