Farewell to Millennicon

I’m back from what turned out to be the final Millennicon. The decision was made Saturday night that this would be the last one. I don’t know everything that went into the decision, but I know it had to be a hard one to make. I’m doubly-honored to have been invited back to be a part of the weekend.

It was a fun weekend. I enjoyed getting to catch up with some friends, being part of the masquerade judging, running around like a camera-waving fool, and eating TARDIS cake. Of course, between the convention and a sick family, I’m now even farther behind on everything, but ah well.

Pictures are up on Facebook and Flickr. Here are a few of my favorites.

Cover posing with Laura Resnick. Pic by Hugh Staples.

Author Gary Braunbeck looking authorly

Pre-masquerade shot in a mirror

Klingon, with gun