Obligatory Awards Eligibility Post

I guess it’s that time again, eh? Here’s the stuff I wrote or was involved with in 2015 that’s eligible for various award-type nominations, if you’re into that kind of thing.


Invisible 2Invisible 2: Personal Essays on Representation in SF/F, with an introduction by Aliette de Bodard, is eligible for the Hugo Award in the Best Related Work category.


Unbound and Fable: Blood of Heroes are both eligible for Best Novel nominations.


In the Short Story category, my story “Girls in the Hood” came out last year in Chicks and Balances.


And that’s it for me. If you only have the time or energy to consider one thing, I’d suggest Invisible 2. The contributors wrote some amazing and powerful essays, and I think the collection is both important and timely.

Whatever happens, if you’re eligible to nominate for various awards, I’d encourage you to do so.