Day One, Redux

Today was the first day of school for the kids, and the first day for me being home on my own as a full-time writer dude. I was terribly shocked to discover that things did not go exactly as planned. There were missed buses at both ends of the day, and I ended up going back to bed and sleeping later than I intended. Then at lunch, I started watching Mad Max: Fury Road, and had a little trouble pulling myself away from that.

But I still got butt in chair and made it through close to 10,000 words of revision work on Revisionary.

I’ve also discovered that the 10-hour/week job I’m hoping to pick up probably won’t happen for a few more weeks. On one level, that’s annoying. On another, well, it’s ten more hours of freedom for the next week or two!

I’m really looking forward to getting Revisionary done and turned back in, and getting back to work on Project Bob and several other ideas.

Lessons learned so far:

  • I’ll definitely need a bit more discipline when it comes to getting up and moving in the mornings, because otherwise the day is way too short.
  • I need to pick my daughter up a little after three, but she usually just goes back to her room, so I could get a little more work done after we get back.
  • My son’s bus shows up a little after four, which is probably going to be the end of my work day, unless I want to put in some evening writing.
  • It’s way too easy to get caught up in housework and other miscellaneous chores. (On the bright side, our refrigerator is much cleaner and better organized now!) I’m going to try to limit that to one chore/day, at most.
  • I was able to mostly stay off Twitter and Facebook. The only real online distraction was a couple of annoying blog comments I chose to respond to. I’ll need to keep an eye on that.

This all still feels weird, like I’m on vacation or something. This isn’t work; it’s what I did on my days off from work!

I definitely think I could get used to it.