Unbound, Interview, and Website Note

I’m very close to finishing up the revisions my editor requested for Unbound … and as a result, I’m having a very hard time devoting much attention or energy to anything else. (Yesterday was one of those Revelations of Earthshattering Kaboom about what Isaac’s struggling with. Overall, I’m feeling much happier about the book, and I can’t wait to share the cover art and synopsis when they’re ready.)

In the meantime, the ever calm, cool, and collected Carrie at Geek Girl in Love just posted an interview with me about Invisible.

Oh, and back when I was revamping the website, several people asked if there was a way they could subscribe to get notifications when a new blog post went live. I’ve installed a plugin I think should do the trick. You’ll find that in the right sidebar. Please let me know if it doesn’t work.