Project Updates

Most of this went out in the last newsletter, but I figured I’d share here as well. As most of you know, it’s been a weird and messed-up few years. I lost about a year from writing while my wife was sick. Then COVID came along, and it sounds like my publisher has been dealing with some extra crap lately.

With all that said, here’s what I’ve been working on and what I know about future plans and releases…

TERMINAL PEACE: The third and final book in the Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse series was turned in back in September. I’m waiting for revision notes from my editor. If things go as they have with all my previous books, I’ll do one more revision after that, and then the book will go into production.

I don’t have a confirmed publication date yet, but I’ve heard rumors that we’re looking at late summer 2022. I’ll let folks know when/if that changes, or whenever I get confirmation.

SILVER QUEENS: I’ve wanted to break into middle grade for a while now. I started last year with Tamora Carter: Goblin Queen. After talking to my agent, I spent the first part of 2021 writing Silver Queens, a standalone middle-grade fantasy. Like Tamora Carter, this one has goblins and a different take on portal fantasy, but it’s not connected to anything I’ve written before. My agent and I went back and forth on a couple of drafts, and as of this month, it’s on submission.

I have absolutely no idea how long the submission process will take. When and if the book sells, it will take a while before it’s published.

But as soon as I know more, I’ll share it with the world!

PROJECT K: (Not the actual title.) Yet another standalone fantasy. This is one I’d worked on as middle grade a while back, but it never quite worked. So I’ve started going back and reworking the book into an adult fantasy.

We sent a pitch to my publisher in February. I’m hoping to hear something on this sooner rather than later. In the meantime, I’m continuing to work on the book. I’m about 13,000 words into the current draft.

My goal would be to have this done before the end of 2021. But if the past few years have shown me anything, it’s that plans and goals can be disrupted on a moment’s notice…


What this all means is that I’m unlikely to have anything new out in 2021. My last release from a big publisher was February 2019. I hate having such a big gap, even though I’m so grateful to my agent and my publisher for their patience while I dealt with things here at home.

I’d hoped to see Terminal Peace out this year, but with it being almost June, that’s not going to happen even if my editor got back to me today with revision notes.

So my new hope is that 2022 will get me back on track and putting out at least one new book per year. Maybe more, if this middle grade thing works out. (I’ve got ideas for another MG book, but I’m going to finish Project K first.)