France Wrap-Up

The rest of the pictures from France are up, in two albums:

These are all from the roughly 48 hours or so I spent in Paris before heading to Epinal for Les Imaginales. It was a busy couple of days 🙂

Notre Dame Eiffel Tower Arc de Triomphe Entering the Catacombs

A few other random thoughts and observations from my time in France…

  • So many dogs, and not just on the streets, but in restaurants and stores and hanging out at booths at the festival!
  • Food was wonderful. I’m not entirely sure what all of it was, but I don’t think I had a single bad meal while I was there. (One frustrating restaurant experience, but even then, the food was great!)
  • French convention panels are very different than the ones I’m used to. The moderator asks questions of the individual authors in turn, so there’s not much back-and-forth among panelists. You’re also expected to talk about your book a lot, which took some adjusting for me.
  • Everyone I encountered was friendly and polite.
  • I did not win the Prix Imaginales in my category. On the other hand, I got to spend a week in France with amazing, wonderful people. I figure that’s plenty of winning for the week 🙂

I’m mostly recovered from the trip, and am wrapping up the final revisions on Terminal Alliance. I’m also hoping to get Invisible 3 packaged and ready to upload to various ebook retailers within the next couple of weeks. Cover reveal should be coming very soon!