Signing Tonight in Okemos
So far, today has been rather obnoxious in terms of snatching up spoons from various directions. I’m hoping the afternoon will calm down a bit.
In the meantime, if you’re in the area, I’m doing a booksigning event at Schuler Books in Okemos tonight at 7 p.m. I’ll be signing copies of Revisionary (and anything else you’d like me to scribble in), doing a bit of chat and Q&A, and probably reading from…something. I’m not sure what just yet. The short story I have coming out later this year is inappropriate for public readings, and the new book is way too rough. Maybe something from that middle grade fantasy I’ve been working on?
Anyway, it should be fun, so y’all should swing by and say hello.
February 18, 2016 @ 4:28 pm
Way to make us all curious about that short story, Jim 😉
Sadly, I don’t think I’m going to manage to make it to Okemos tonight, so I’ll be keeping up my tradition of only being able to attend every other new book signing.
Ken Marable
February 18, 2016 @ 4:45 pm
Hope your afternoon does go calmer! I know public signings can be draining as well for some people – so I’m sure it’s cool with people if tonight is mellow and low key.
This week has certainly been quite draining for me as well, so I understand entirely. But I just heard that it looks like my son (who has managed to tear through the rest of the Magic ex Libris series before me) will be done with his concert earlier than we thought and might be able to make it tonight! We had resigned ourselves to missing it and picking up an extra signed copy from the store this weekend or something. So that was a bright point of this week!
If we do make it a little late, we’ll try to sneak in quietly – which in my case will probably involve tripping over chairs and knocking several things over and embarrassing my kids in typical sitcom-Dad style. 🙂
Either way, take care of yourself and hope you have fun tonight!
Jim C. Hines
February 18, 2016 @ 4:45 pm
Let’s just say I decided it would be fun to experiment with creative profanity 🙂
Jim C. Hines
February 18, 2016 @ 5:03 pm
Feel free to tromp on in if you do make it. Random chaos makes for a more entertaining event anyway 🙂 And thanks!
February 18, 2016 @ 11:44 pm
In a different state, so I won’t be there, but wanted to take this opportunity to say that I read Revisionary in a single day, LOVED it, and thought it was an awesome and fitting conclusion to the series. Thank you!
Hobbits! The Musical
February 19, 2016 @ 4:44 am
Random internet follower here… I read that as SINGING in Okemos tonight. You were momentarily even more cool in my head – a blogging author who also sings, yay. Do you?
Jim C. Hines
February 19, 2016 @ 10:43 am
The only singing I do is to my son at the end of the night, as part of the bedtime routine. Alas, no bonus cool points for me…
Jim C. Hines
February 19, 2016 @ 10:44 am
Thanks so much, Avilyn! That means a lot to hear.
Hobbits! The Musical
February 19, 2016 @ 7:39 pm
Nope! that’s actually extra bonus points for being a cool dad! Your boy is lucky. My brother is working on ukulele lullabies for later this year… girl/boy unknown at this stage.