Cover Art: Rise of the Spider Goddess

I signed off on the final art for Rise of the Spider Goddess earlier this morning. All that’s left now is to finalize the text layout.

Patrick McEvoy delivered exactly what I was hoping for with the artwork. Given that this was a novel written — very badly — in 1995, based on the aftermath of a D&D adventure, I wanted a cover that blended D&D and WTF. I went for the same D&D-style feel with the font.

I’m quite pleased! What do you think?



If I’ve done this correctly, clicking on the cover will take you to the full jacket, front and back.

Feedback is welcome, as always. (And if you’re in the mood to pre-order, those links are here. I’ll add more pre-order links as they go live.)

Rise of the Spider Goddess will come out in print and electronic editions on December 2.