Radio Interview, Newsletter, and Generally Frazzled Jim

I was interviewed about Detcon1 for Michigan Radio’s Stateside program. The interview aired yesterday. I haven’t listened to it myself, but I’m told it sounded pretty good. Mostly, I just tried to talk about how awesome I think the convention is going to be, and how much I’m looking forward to it.


I’ve created a newsletter for announcing new books and stories, author appearances, and similar stuff. I’m planning to send it out quarterly, i.e., once every three months. If you’re interested, you can go here to sign up, or you can send an email to

This was inspired from discussion on an author group that got me thinking. I’ve got some decent outreach on the internet, but a newsletter would let me put out a sign-up sheet at signings and such, and keep in touch with fans who might not spend a lot of time online. Not to mention that people might miss an announcement on a blog or Twitter or such. Basically, it just seemed like a good thing to try.


I am officially brain-fried. Work deadlines and trying to get everything done with a significantly reduced staff, revising the Secret Project, working with my co-Toastmaster on the Detcon1 Opening Ceremonies, heading over to the hospital so they can ultrasound my thyroid … interesting times.

(The ultrasound is almost certainly nothing serious, and I’m sure it has nothing to do with that weird monster starfish-like thing that hugged my face for a day and a half while I was up north last week…)