Dragon Winners

Most of my energy is currently going into Codex Born (due to my editor on March 1), and a few other projects. So instead of a blog post today, I’m going to pick some winners to receive autographed copies of Marie Brennan’s A Natural History of Dragons [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy].

There were well over a hundred entries, providing entertaining and occasionally disturbing blurbs for Mary’s Angels. But the fickle hand of Random.org has spoken, and has smiled upon the following three people:

I’ve notified the winners by email, so if you’re one of these three people and you haven’t heard from me, leave a comment and let me know how best to get in touch.

For the rest of you, go get the book and read it anyway, because it’s good.

As for me, I’ve got to get back to that scene where Darth Vader cuts off Isaac Vainio’s hand, and then Smudge crawls up under Vader’s mask. Good times…