Five Weeks Until Snow Queen

The Snow Queen’s Shadow [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy] comes out in exactly five weeks, and I’m delighted that the first review spotted in the wild is a starred review from Publishers Weekly. Be aware that the review does contain a small spoiler.

We’re recovering from a power outage here, so I don’t have much prepared for the blog. So instead, here are a few highlights from losing electricity…

  • Rebuilding the LED blinky from Penguicon using a pair of old watch batteries so that we’d have an LED night light for the hallway.
  • Brushing my son’s teeth to the light of a Mace Windu lightsaber.
  • Charging my phone in my car so I could read a bedtime story.

The only other random news I’ve got is that Kitemaster and Other Stories will also include a sample from Libriomancer, for those who want a sneek peek at my current project.

So … um … have a picture of this Halo Master Chief costume, by Benny Brickster. Not bad, eh? Especially when you consider that, except for the visor, it’s built entirely out of LEGO.  Click the pic for the full photoset.