Thursday Updates
::Waves to the new readers:: Welcome, and please feel free to say hi and introduce yourselves. Or not, if you prefer. It’s all good.
1. So, remember that goblins vs. zombies idea I was working on for an anthology invite? I’m happy to announce that both editors liked “The Blue Corpse Corps.” I’ll post details of the sale as soon as the contracts arrive.
2a. My thanks to everyone who’s commented or e-mailed about Tuesday’s post on sexual harassment. I’m hoping to post a follow-up early next week with resources for reporting this behavior for those who choose to do so. So far, I’ve heard from Baen, Tor, and DAW, all of whom state that this sort of harassment is unacceptable, and they would want to know if one of their editors or other employees was behaving in this way. I’m working to get info from other publishers as well.
2b. I’ve also been contacted by convention committee members from several cons. Based on those e-mails, I’m thinking it would also be helpful to write up a bit about convention sexual harassment policies.
3. Goblin Quest miniatures are on sale! Garden Ninja Studios is running a sale through Christmas, knocking down the prices for their custom miniatures. Because everyone wants goblins for Christmas, right?
4. I’ll be in Ann Arbor this Sunday from 2-4 at a group signing at B&N. Details on my web site.
5. Finally, and apropos of nothing, cake is good. Except when people ruin it with coconut. Why would anyone do that to a poor, helpless, delicious cake?
Stephen Watkins
November 4, 2010 @ 9:37 am
RE: #5 – Indeed… it is beyond reason and sanity, and yet people do it. Will they never learn?
In related news: Coconuts are neither coco nor nuts… why, therefore, are they called coconuts?
November 4, 2010 @ 9:49 am
Also RE: #5 – I don’t like cake that much. I’ll take my blaspheming elsewhere, though.
But in regards to the harassment post and story, it’s good to hear that it’s being taken seriously. No one should have to go through that!
Jim C. Hines
November 4, 2010 @ 10:00 am
Because “evil brown canonballs of gross-tasting death” wasn’t as marketable.
Jim C. Hines
November 4, 2010 @ 10:01 am
I’ve been pleased with the responses from various folks so far, and I do get the sense that it’s being taken seriously. (Which is about all I can say…)
Stephen Watkins
November 4, 2010 @ 10:03 am
I was frankly so shocked to read that this happens (okay, so I’m a geek who’s never been to a con, so I may be a bit naive) that I didn’t even know what to say… I don’t think there’s anything I even can say… but kudos to you for putting together some sort of page with info for victims on incident response.
Stephen Watkins
November 4, 2010 @ 10:07 am
Less marketable, perhaps, but far more truthful.
Anita K.
November 4, 2010 @ 4:46 pm
3. I’m feeling a filk coming on. “I’m gettin’ goblins for Christmas…” It scans well but will require a brain to fill in the rest.
5. I don’t know! It is insideous and not nice to the poor innocent cake!
2. I think you should know that you are a good and decent human being who gives me hope for humanity. I feel the need to say this to you frequently, and always feel like it would be somewhat creepily stalkerish, but it is true.
Jim C. Hines
November 4, 2010 @ 6:20 pm
3. I’d love to hear it!
5. Very good. You can still be my friend. (I’d had to ban a number of people over on LJ for their overly PC* sentiments.)
2. Thank you. And don’t worry. At most, it comes off as warm fuzzy stalkerish.
Andrew S Balfour
November 12, 2010 @ 7:49 pm
Blue Corpse Corps….
I love you, man.
Jim C. Hines
November 15, 2010 @ 10:50 am