Thursday Linkage

“ is afraid of nothing.  Except goblins.  And Cthulhu.”  And this is why the goblin series was published by DAW, not Tor 🙂  (Link and commentary from M’jit.)


SFWA has created a Sample DMCA Generator for authors, with instructions. 

“Legally, DMCA notices must come from the copyright owner or their legal representative, such as an agent, publisher, or literary executor. Since SFWA legally cannot act on behalf of anyone from whom we do not have specific permission for a specific infringement, we are instead providing a sample DMCA notice generator for use by authors…”


Maurice Broaddus on The PC Challenges of Being an Editor.

“At no point did I worry about any sort of “PC testing” of my table of contents (will I have enough POC?  Will there be any women?).  That’s a ridiculous way to go about putting together an anthology.  The other reason it was a non-worry?  It’s not that difficult to produce a table of contents that has diversity.  Now I’m not even talking about forcing the issue of diversity in a TOC.   I’m saying that these days you have to almost go out of your way to produce an anthology without diversity.”


Finally, combining two great tastes that taste great together, have some LEGO steampunk.  Click the pic for a close-up.  This was created by V&A Steamworks.  Click here for more of their LEGO steampunk creations.