Thursday Eclectia

Shortpacked on Wonder Woman and the Flag.  Heh … I particularly like the Captain America quote at the bottom.


I’ve seen the Bookscan numbers for Red Hood’s Revenge [B&N | Mysterious Galaxy | Amazon].  Sales for the official release week?  Best ever for any of my books, and about 30% higher than the first week sales for Mermaid’s Madness, the previous record holder.  Thank you!!!


We bought a half-dozen guppies a while back.  As I should have expected, they soon produced bonus baby guppies.  I’ve been moving the babies to a separate bowl to keep them from becoming guppy food.  One of the babies got messed up before I could get him out.  His spine was kinked in two places, so he looked like a little lightning bolt.  He wasn’t growing, and I didn’t expect him to survive.

Shows what I know.  He’s still a little guppy runt, but he’s now big enough to join the others in the tank without becoming a snack.  He’s even getting some color in his tail.  Watching that little zig-zag fish zipping around makes me happy for some reason, so I thought I’d share.


RANDOM POLL: Which has better banter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer or the Sherlock Holmes film?


Yesterday, the tooth fairy brought my daughter a dollar folded into a fairly intricate heart shape.  She loved it, and is once again convinced the tooth fairy is real, because she doesn’t think Mama or Daddy are talented enough to do that.  I am quite pleased … and also vaguely insulted 🙂


 I don’t think “eclectia” is a real word, but it should be.