8 Books in 8 Weeks: Week Three
Red Hood’s Revenge [B&N | Mysterious Galaxy | Amazon] comes out in six weeks. SciFiChick has posted an early review, and says:
“More dramatic than previous installments, this latest story revolves mainly around Talia and Roudette, bringing to light more of their dark and horrible pasts … There’s plenty of the suspense and action that make this fantasy series great. Hines’ princess heroines from fairy tale lore are truly unique and completely enjoyable from start to finish.”
Congratulations to mskiara, who won the second giveaway! For the rest of you, don’t worry — I’ve got six more chances for people to win.
For the past two weeks, I’ve had a blast reading your creative and entertaining entries, so let’s keep going with the fun. To enter this week’s contest, imagine a princess video game. Danielle, Snow, and Talia vs. all manner of nastiness.
Who would be the ultimate boss at the end of the game, and how do the princesses defeat said boss?[1. You can’t say Batman, ’cause we’ve already covered that one at http://www.sff.net/people/jchines/Pics/Talia-Batman.jpg]
Leave your answer in the comments, and I’ll select one person to win an autographed copy of one of the following books (your choice):
As in previous weeks, the winner will be chosen at random, so there’s no pressure. Just have fun.
May 25, 2010 @ 11:16 am
A video game end boss? That’s a tough one. A standard end boss would have to have multiple forms (as any Final Fantasy game can tell you). You think you’ve defeated him, but oh wait! There’s more fighting to be done! He’d also need some henchmen for you to fight through in order to get to the encounter.
My gut reaction went with Rumpelstiltskin because he’s a pretty good trickster and could come up with a way to meet the multiple form qualification of a video game end boss. Although, he is lacking on the henchman.
May 25, 2010 @ 12:33 pm
End boss… I’d say, if we’re doing fairy tale characters here, the Big Bad Wolf. Name says it all. If we aren’t doing fairy tales then…Iron Man. It’d just be cool to see him get his butt handed to him by a bunch of girls.
May 25, 2010 @ 1:10 pm
Mirror versions of themselves, perhaps? In the interests of keeping some “fairness”, it’ll have to be Danielle vs Danielle, Talia vs Talia and Snow vs Snow.
It’d be caused by one of Snow’s spells either backfiring or altered (perhaps some form of corrupted book), and the only way out of it would be to outsmart themselves, which I think could be quite interesting.
May 25, 2010 @ 2:05 pm
At the end of the game is, of course, Prince Charming. He presents them with legal papers whereby they surrender all their property and indeed become property themselves. They defeat him by holding a Tea Party where Sarah Palin attends, and they manage to get Sarah to sign “whatever papers are pushed in front of her.” Palin and Charming live happily ever after, and Danielle, Talia, and Snow head off to the next game: The Taliban Travesty…
May 25, 2010 @ 2:21 pm
Love the idea of Prince Charming!
May 25, 2010 @ 7:32 pm
A small rubber ducky. Which just happens to grow huge whenever there’s a full moon out. Did I mention it’s fangs? It has fangs, big ones. The problem is that they first have to search all of the buildings in the village for said rubber ducky (hint: it’s the one with the small blood stain). Now you can’t kill it when it’s in small-rubber mode, you have to wait until the full moon. Then they first have to go through the minions of the duck – werewolves, obviously, whereupon they can finish off the huge fanged monstrosity. Oh, and they get extra XP for good bath jokes 🙂
May 25, 2010 @ 7:34 pm
Definitely love the Prince Charming idea….
But if I had to come up with a new one…The Fairy Chimera! A chimera monster of all the evils each princess has to face. Throw in a little disney Ursula and you’re set!
Steve Buchheit
May 25, 2010 @ 11:11 pm
Babba Yagga, ‘natch. Plenty of funnerie to go around, lots of good magics, and you could double up with first she’s in her chicken-legged house, then flying around in a cauldron. So several layers to get through before confronting the hag herself. And to defeat, they must complete tasks both femininely and kick-assery. Maybe something to do with skulls with burning eyes or the use of iron. Something about the task of becoming a strong woman of the type nations are built around and dependent upon.
May 26, 2010 @ 1:49 am
My gut instinct says that if the video game were to follow the books’ plot then Snow’s stepmother would be the big boss bad guy. Evil sorceresses are great!! One obstacle sent should be mirror versions of themselves (that’s a great idea, thanks MichaelM), but Talia should fight Snow, Snow Danielle and Danielle Talia (confusion ensues). I think that set up would make for the best drama. Other puzzles and melees (involving were-muppets) would abound. Not to mention riddles, no fairy tale is complete without a set of riddles. After overcoming all that, the princesses would defeat Snow’s Stepmother by combining magic lightning, non-dairy creamer and a microwave in one really awesome Ultimate Move.
Amber Stults
May 26, 2010 @ 1:03 pm
Rumpelstiltskin was my thought too! 🙂
Shane Ede
May 26, 2010 @ 1:06 pm
Well, usually, they develop games in order, so the first would be based on Stepsister Scheme, in which the stepmother would be a good choice, as would the tandem of the stepsisters. If you were to meld them all together, that octopus-like purple hag from the mermaid movie might be nice.
May 26, 2010 @ 3:12 pm
End boss. Walt Disney. He’s vulnerable to attacks but every time he hits one of the girls they turn into his helpless damsel in distress versions of themselves for 30 seconds. If he hits all three at once game over.
May 26, 2010 @ 10:01 pm
The ultimate boss, that is sooooooo easy.
Chuck Norris.
They would have to work together, because whats gonna work…teamwork, they would each have to harness one roundhouse kick in a magical device, and then unleash the captured power all at once…..
Optionally they could just play back a recording of a presidential state of the union speech, which would force Chuck into a rip van winkle coma…….