8 Books in 8 Weeks: Week Three

Red Hood’s Revenge [B&N | Mysterious Galaxy | Amazon] comes out in six weeks.  SciFiChick has posted an early review, and says:

“More dramatic than previous installments, this latest story revolves mainly around Talia and Roudette, bringing to light more of their dark and horrible pasts … There’s plenty of the suspense and action that make this fantasy series great. Hines’ princess heroines from fairy tale lore are truly unique and completely enjoyable from start to finish.”

Congratulations to mskiara, who won the second giveaway!  For the rest of you, don’t worry — I’ve got six more chances for people to win.

For the past two weeks, I’ve had a blast reading your creative and entertaining entries, so let’s keep going with the fun.  To enter this week’s contest, imagine a princess video game.  Danielle, Snow, and Talia vs. all manner of nastiness.

Who would be the ultimate boss at the end of the game, and how do the princesses defeat said boss?[1. You can’t say Batman, ’cause we’ve already covered that one at http://www.sff.net/people/jchines/Pics/Talia-Batman.jpg]

Leave your answer in the comments, and I’ll select one person to win an autographed copy of one of the following books (your choice):

As in previous weeks, the winner will be chosen at random, so there’s no pressure.  Just have fun.