Goblin Wedding

Fan mail is always nice. I love hearing from people who have enjoyed the goblins or the princesses, or even just a short story I wrote.  But this week, I received an e-mail that took it to a whole new level of writerly awesomeness.

Bartosz Walczyk from Poland e-mailed to thank me, explaining that Wojna Goblina (Goblin War) was directly responsible for him meeting his fiancee Ann.  Today’s post was late because I was waiting on permission to share the story.  In his own words:

I’m a teacher at school and I have been assigned a substitution to one of the schools – as I had some free time then, I took up the challenge. You have to imagine that at school there is always much work that needs to be done, so time is really short. And shy as I am, I don’t like going to people, greeting and meeting them. Especially when I know that I will be working with them for very little time.  But when I saw someone sitting in a corner of the teacher room reading Goblin War, I had no choice but to approach that woman. And this is how it started. Believe me, without the book, I would never have done it.

Bartosz and Ann are engaged to be married in 2011, and I’m told one of the first things they did together was to finish reading Goblin War.

Coolest.  Reader.  E-mail.  Ever!

My heartfelt congratulations to them both.  And for the rest of you, forget match.com and e-harmony and the rest.  If you really want to meet your soul mate, pick up a copy of Goblin War [Amazon | Mysterious Galaxy]!


So I’m (obviously) back from ConFusion.  Had a wonderful and crazy time.  Saw many excellent people, and did not get to spend near enough time with most of them.  (I did get to play with the Buckell twins though.  Twins = exponentially increased cuteness!!!)

Brain and body are a bit fried.  I’m planning to write something a bit more coherent, but in the meantime, have a picture of me and Chewie from the con.  This photo was taken mere minutes before Chewbacca turned and ripped the arms off of that stormtrooper behind us.  Click the thumbnail for the larger shot.