Thank You

Just got back from delivering books to the liaison for our local domestic violence shelter.  This is the fourth year I’ve collected books to be given out for the holidays, and once again I’m blown away by everyone’s generosity.  There was a lot of good SF/F in there, as well as Seuss, an anime collection, some YA, mystery, romance … it’s a wonderful mix of books, and will mean an awful lot to the families who receive them.

The only downside, of course, is that now I want to read them all.  So many books … guess I know what to ask Santa for this year!

All total, we ended up with about 75 80 books (five more showed up from Deborah Blake and Laura Anne Gilman the day after I took that photo).  Most of the books in the picture above were signed and sent by the authors.  Others were purchased new and donated.  My deepest thanks to everyone who contributed: