ApolloCon Pics
I got back from ApolloCon yesterday evening, after a fun weekend. I was braced for the heat, but hadn’t mentally prepared for the Houston humidity that went with it. Fortunately, I spent 99% of my time inside air conditioned buildings and vehicles.
One of the things I love about Guest of Honor gigs is that they usually get me to new regions, meaning I get to meet both new readers/fans/writers/etc. and also meet in person folks I’ve known online for a while. It wasn’t a huge convention, but it kept me busy. I was surprised at how much fun we had on the panel to fancast a movie version of Libriomancer (Jeff Goldblum for Gutenberg? Robert Pattinson with a cameo as a sparkling vampire Isaac kills in chapter one?) I also got to run the “I Suck” panel I did at ConFusion, though ApolloCon renamed it to “The Struggle.”
I was about halfway through the con when I got to talking with the folks at the desk and they told me about the fire ants. But hey, I’ve done a convention in Australia. I can handle Texas and their snakes and scorpions and fire ants. (Fortunately, I saw none of these beasties.)
I also got lunch with a NASA scientist and astronaut, helped judge the costume contest, ate way too much food, signed lots of books, met some great people, and came home exhausted.
There was even a bonus trip to the Johnson Space Center, but I haven’t processed those pics yet, so that’s gonna wait for another blog post. In the meantime, here are a few photos from the convention. The full ApolloCon album is over at Flickr.