Reversion of the Princesses

It’s strange to write about reversion after doing the Janitors trilogy. It conjures up visions of Danielle, Talia, and Snow White going feral and wrecking their way through Lorindar.

In this case, what it means is that the rights for the Princess novels have reverted back to me. That’s why you can’t buy the ebooks from Amazon or elsewhere anymore. DAW won’t be printing any more of the print copies, either.

This is a normal part of the publishing circle of life. This is the first of my series to reach this milestone. It’s sad in some respects, but it also opens up some new opportunities. On April 25, I’ll be republishing all four books in electronic format. (I may eventually do print editions, but that will be a longer process.)

I’m reusing the cover art from the UK edition we put out back in 2016. I’m also bringing the prices down a bit. The Stepsister Scheme, the first book in the series, will be $2.99. The rest will be $4.99.

The Stepsister Scheme The Mermaid's Madness

Red Hood's Revenge The Snow Queen's Shadow

Wild pre-order links are already starting to appear:

I’ll update here and on the Bookstore page of my site as more links show up.

Much love and gratitude to everyone who’s read and enjoyed these books over the past decade or so. I hope the new editions help the stories find some new readers who’ll appreciate these kick-ass princesses.