Goblin Proofs and Various Links

I have received page proofs for The Legend of Jig Dragonslayer [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy], the omnibus edition of the goblin books. I’d post the cover, but we’re still waiting on the final cover art.

As there’s no way I’m going to be able to scour all 900 pages as closely as I’d like, I wanted to ask anyone who’s read the goblin books to please let me know if you’ve found any typos or mistakes.

Most of my brain has been obsessing over Libriomancer, so it’s rather exciting to remember that I have two, two beautiful books coming out this year, bwa ha ha. [/Count]


Speaking of Libriomancer (see what I mean?), yesterday I received my third set of blurbs from the wonderful Seanan McGuire and her alter ego Mira Grant. I posted one on my website, but she provided several others that probably won’t make it on to the cover.

You see, Libriomancer is about book-magic, about reaching into the pages and pulling stuff out, about the possibilities and the dangers … which is why certain books are “locked” so that you can’t access their magic. And that led directly to this quote:

“F***er locked my book.  I’ll show him a zombie apocaylpse…” -Mira Grant

Seanan also provided blurbs from several of her characters, which was fun.

“Nice guy.  Not too bright.  Which means he’s probably a relative of mine.” -Verity Price (from Discount Armageddon)

(Isaac is very bright, by the way. But he can also be a little … impulsive.)


Finally, remember my blog post a while back about Scientology and Writers of the Future? That post was noticed by a reporter for the Village Voice, and led to this article.

My first response upon seeing the article was, “Wait, you mean people are reading this blog?”

Yes, I know people are reading, but it’s a little strange seeing something get picked up like that by someone outside of the SF/F community.