I try not to go overboard with promotion here. I’ll mention my own stuff, but I don’t want to turn the blog into an infomercial. And while I like to share good books, promote friends, or just point people to projects I think are cool and should be supported, there’s just too darn much going on to capture it all.

So this is my attempt to catch up on some of those things. Comments are open to talk about these or other books/projects I’ve missed that you want to promote.


Elizabeth Bear’s fantasy novel Range of Ghosts [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy] came out this week. I enjoyed this one, and reviewed it here.

Michael M. Jones is doing a Kickstarter project for Scheherazade’s Facade: Fantastical Tales of Gender Bending, Cross-Dressing, and Transformation. He’s already raised the $5000 he needs for the anthology, but is keeping the fundraiser open to see if he can do a second volume.

Juliet E. McKenna is trying her hand at self-publishing, and has released an e-book collection titled A Few Further Tales of Einarinn.

John Scalzi’s book Fuzzy Nation came out in paperback this week. (He’s also got a preview of his novel Redshirts up at

Laura Anne Gilman is doing a Kickstarter for “Miles to Go” and “Promises to Keep,” two new Cosa Nostradamus novellas.

Tales of the Emerald Serpent is another Kickstarter project. This one is a shared-world anthology, with authors like Lynn Flewelling, Harry Connolly, Juliet McKenna, Martha Wells, Robert Mancebo, and Julie Czerneda.

Bradley P. Beaulieu’s e-book The Winds of Khalakovo is currently available for free on Amazon.

Seanan McGuire launched a new series this month with Discount Armageddon [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy]. Have I mentioned that one already? I can’t even remember anymore. Haven’t read it yet, but I heard Seanan read the first chapter, and it sounds like a lot of fun.

Stacia Kane’s new Downside novel Sacrificial Magic [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy] just came out too. I reviewed the first one in this series here.

Finally, and perhaps most randomly, Charlie Stross is selling Internet Puppy T-shirts. (This is in response to Christopher Priest’s post here.)


So, what all am I forgetting? 🙂