Snow Queen Giveaway

I am down to my last advance review copy of The Snow Queen’s Shadow [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy].

I thought about finding another reviewer to send it to … or holding a giveaway on GoodReads … or keeping it for my very own … but in the end, I decided to give it away to one of my blog readers, because I love you the most.

If you’d like to win the ARC, all you have to do is leave a comment and let me know why I should give it to you. Be as serious or as silly as you’d like. For example:

-Give it to me because my brother-in-law owns Dreamworks and I’ll sneak into his room and read it while he’s sleeping, thus planting your work in his subconscious mind.

-I’ll review your book on my blog, which gets a zillion hits a day. Also, I named my first-born daughter Danielle Talia Snow Beatrice Jim-Hines-is-Awesome Smith!

-Your book is the perfect size to complete my epic and 97% zombie-proof book fort!

I’ll pick a winner next week. I might try to choose the best comment, but knowing how creative y’all are, I may wimp out and just pick one entry at random.

Anyone can enter. Make sure I have a way to contact you (i.e., if you’re anonymous and commenting on LJ, leave an e-mail address or web site). Most importantly, have fun!