8 Books in 8 Weeks: Week Two

Red Hood’s Revenge [B&N | Mysterious Galaxy | Amazon] comes out in eight seven more weeks.  (I’ve even seen my first early review, over at Green Man Review!)  I’m giving away a book each week to hopefully build a little buzz and excitement.

Congratulations to Jessica Tudor, who won the first giveaway.  And my thanks to everyone who entered.  I asked you to post something that made you smile, and it made for a great contest.  I really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments.

For this week, let’s keep with the fun.  Give me a hypothetical product warning about Red Hood.  Something like:

Warning: Red Hood’s Revenge is meant for external use only.

Keep it PG-13 or better.  I’ll be drawing a winner at random next Monday, so no pressure to be the funniest.  Winner receives an autographed copy of one of my books.

Have fun.